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Quick facts to know before incorporating a Singapore Company

Requirements for setting up a local Company

Share Capital

A Singapore company can be incorporated with any amount of share capital, as low as SGD 1. 

Share Capital may also be denominated in many different currencies.

There is no upper limit on the shares that a company may issue.

Singapore has abolished the concept of par value shares too. As such, all companies in Singapore will not have a par value for their shares.

Financing your Share Capital

A Singapore company can finance its working capital requirement by share capital, loan capital or a combination or both.

Personnel Requirements

Every Singapore company will require a Resident Director and a Company Secretary. The company must appoint a Company Secretary within 6 months of incorporation.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you require a Nominee Director for the purposes of the company incorporation. Please note that our directors are provided solely to meet the requirements of the Company's Act and will not be involved in any of the Company's operations neither will they be appointed signers of the Company.

Opening a Bank Account

Following the incorporation of your Singapore Company, the next step will be to open a bank account in Singapore. You can either open bank accounts in Singapore or consider opening account outside Singapore, ie. via a digital bank such as ASPIRE.

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